Should I Buy a Mobile Home or Rent in Chico / Paradise Area?

Finding Your Fit: Mobile Home Ownership vs Rental in the Chico / Paradise, CA

Deciding between buying a mobile home in a mobile park park or renting a house / apartment in Butte County depends on various factors like your budget, lifestyle, and future plans. Both options have pros and cons. Renting provides more flexibility and lower upfront cost. On the other hand, buying a mobile home (manufactured home) can help you build equity, provide more stability, and save a lot of money in the long run. Here’s a detailed guide to help you make the best choice for your situation. We provide concrete numbers to compare these options. You can see the detailed numbers with our assumptions here. 


First, here are some facts and assumptions. We will be comparing renting a 3-bedroom apartment with buying a brand new 3-bedroom mobile home in Chico / Paradise CA area. Rent will be $1,800 for the apartment. The mobile home will be $150k and the mobile home park will charge a lot rent of $600/month. Mobile home loans will require a 10% downpayment and have interest rate of 8%. These are reasonable numbers as of the writing in this article. You can see the full detail in this spreadsheet. You can download it and tweak the numbers to fit your scenario.

Upfront Cost

Buying a home will have a higher upfront cost than renting since you will need a down payment for the loan or pay cash for the home.

Obviously, the upfront cost of renting is much lower since you are not buying anything. But if you can afford a mobile home, will it be worth it? Read on to find out.

Monthly Cost

Monthly costs will be similar or slightly higher than renting initially. However, as time passes, payments for mobile homes will become lower than renting. When a mobile home is paid off, it will be much cheaper than renting.

In our example, monthly payment for mobile home purchase is around $2,000 and apartment rent is $1,800. In year 7, mobile home payment ($2326) becomes lower than renting ($2,369). At year 15, mobile home payment ($2,700) is significantly lower than renting ($3,242). In year 25, when the loan is paid off, mobile home payment ($2,280) is less than half of renting ($4,990)

Equity (aka Building Wealth)

The biggest difference between owning a mobile home and renting is equity build up.

Below is the comparison of equity you build with a mobile home vs equity you build with renting.

By the way, there is a misconception that mobile homes do not appreciate. We have evaluated many mobile homes, and most do, in fact appreciate if maintained properly. In Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Park, a home that's a few decades old sold at a much higher price than the orignal price.

Over 500k Savings in 30 years

Over 30 years, the savings you can have with a mobile home purchase is whopping $580,000. This is the culmination of the fiancial advantages of mobile homes mentioned earlier - equity buildup as you pay down the loan, home appreciation; and slower increase of housing payment. Do you want to save $580,000 over 30 years? If so, you should seriously consider purchasing a mobile home. It's never too late to start today. 


Stability & Sense of Community

Housing is not just about the numbers. Homeownership and renting can provide different mindset. 

Maintenance and Responsibility

Flexibility and Long-Term Plans


Buying a mobile home in Paradise / Chico area helps you build equity, save money and enjoy stability that renting can't offer. With affordable payments, wealth growth potential, and the freedom to personalize your space, it's a smart move. If you're seeking long-term savings and a better quality of life, explore the benefits of homeownership. Visit Sherwood Mobile Home Park today and take the first step toward securing your future!